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Marble, 2011

Marble, 2011

Ostrich egg, Polish, 12.7 x 15.6 x 12.7cm. 

Brown stone, 2011

Brown Stone. 2011 

Chicken Egg , Polish 4.5cm. x 4.5cm. x 6.6cm. 

The belief in reincarnation and the next life are implanted in our Buddhist society. After the cremation is finished, the ashes will be collected and scattered over the water [mostly in river or the opened sea] as we believes that the person will return into the nature again and reincarnate as a different person in the next life.

“Marble”, "Brown Stone" is an alike marble sculpture which is made from the ostrich egg. The object itself represents the paradoxical context in its form and its substance; the egg is a representative of life and changes, whereas the alikeness of marble represents indifference and tran- quility.

Speaking of which, to illustrate the making process, I started emptying the egg by drilling and sapping the liquid out. Then, the eggshell was delicately rubbed by a sandpaper until the surface transformed into marble-alike. According to the process, the con- text of “the egg” was then changed and become dead object, as if it is pure marble. 

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