Bank Blank, 2010

Bank Blank, 2010
Thailand bank note, Erase surface by sandpaper 20 x 20 x 4 cm
Banknote (n.) A piece of paper money,constituting a central banks promissory note to pay a start- ed sum to the bearer on demand. (http://www.oxforddictionaries. com/definition/english/banknote)
Referring to a specific kind of banknotes which are not produced to use in a common exchange such as the old note or the one that prints in such limited amount. The mon- ey then revalues itself and alter it’s status to the higher position. This project was initially started form my keen interest in the transformation of value. When bank notes which have the value in itself, is re- con- textualized by the external factor like collectors and market
it then creates a different aspect we have from what money is, to the valuable object. Accordingly, the medium I chose to work with is 100 Thai baht banknote. By demolish- ing it’s economic value, I rubbed the surface out by sandpaper until the red banknote became a blank sheet and all around it was powder. The piece of money paper then re- formulates to an art object which,In this new form,the bank note is pres- ently changed; its look,its value,its history and in the end,everything become to another value in the art world context.
Neither greater than nor equal to, Neither less than nor equal to, 2013

Neither greater than nor equal to, Neither less than nor equal to, 2013
Bank Notes, Asian, Euro, USD and powder of bank notes, Frame by Acrylic sheet and metal box
17.6 x 34.4 x 2.0 cm.(11 each)
installation view
This work started as an experiment in 2010 when I started to erase bank notes by sandpaper. The bank note become a blank sheet and all around it was powder. In this new form, The bank note is pres- ently changed: its look, its value, its history. Everything becomes clear. In 2013, I have applied the same process to a wider selection of different currencies from the region. the artworks are installed to allow individual audience members to slip between each note to observe closely the memory that remains.
Quality, 2018

Bank Notes, and powder of bank notes, Frame by Acrylic sheet and metal box 25.5 x 19.0 x 4.0 cm.(24 each)
The main material of this series is 24 banknotes... mixed currencies, mixed values, mixed sources. Banknotes are ”representative” of money which is a medium to “specify” or “estimate” value of an object, goods, and labor... Money in each currency, each area has different quality and worth under different composition and factors.
I consumed my time and labor to transform the content and context of these 24 original banknotes into an object which is “being” reinterpreted and re-estimated.
Copper, 2011

Copper, 2011
Thailand 5 baht coins, and powder, Sharpen
2.9 x 2.9 x 0.3 cm
Since 2008, 5-Baht coins have been reproduced in a new design with lesser copper mass. The new coins are thinner than the pre- vious ones, as though they were designed to be coherent with the value of the Baht that has a lesser weight, or there might be other factors. what is represented is a copper mass that was dissolved, which has the same amount of copper mass as a 5-Baht coin made in 1988-2007.