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      In the beginning of my artistic career, I tried to find my own topic of interest, whether it is within myself, my family, society or politics. This was before I realised that I am almost without any interest  in the social context that surrounded me. Therefore, starting with a topical or narrative ‘content’ is probably not the most suitable method for me.

      The content in each of my work is created from many components. The components differ every time I work, thus resulting in a series of artworks that has a variety in both content and form.

      I start by working with the physicality and meanings of objects. My chosen objects are usually common and ubiquitous, sometimes undesirable objects that were discarded in different locations. I treat these objects by trying to maintain its existing physicality and meanings, without re-appropriating them into something new to signify something else. Before being turned into artworks, each object contains a multitude of functions, meanings, and differs in their contextual relationship to places and individuals. Each of my work usually gains its significance from the specific context of the raw materials. The content of each work does not derive solely from myself as the creator, but from the different parts and compositions that were selected into the specific construction process. I am simply a part of the end product or a composition within the process as a whole.

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