Aftercare, 2015
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After Care, 2015, Paper, Rubbing, 78 x 103 cm, (24 each) installation view
After Care, 2015
Paper, Rubbing
78 x 103 cm (24 each) installation view
In 2009 i was the last year in which the space at the right and left edges of the Art center, Chulalongkorn University was used as art space, before it de come storages. Resulted form the left over time from the art exhibition each year ; from garbage to works of art were kept, that space became isolated and lifeless.
2010-2013 were the period where I worked as a staff at the Art Center. The storage I mentioned was the space I did’t want to enter.
In the last period of 2015, as I used to be a part of the Art Center, I was invited from the manager who curated “Through the Place and Image (2015)” to join the exhibition cooperating.
I chose to bring traces that were left over on the walls of the storage and used them as materials to work: traces that were re- sulted from the process of organize each exhibition, such as traces from hanging the works, traces from repairing the work, traces from enlarging the work. I don’t know why I like to look at those traces. I like to think where they come from, what process they were resulted from. I felt jolliness in those left over traces...
I chose to use the rubbing method in my work. The result was rem- iniscent to a print created with methods called embossing and de- bossing. After that, I “moved” the traces which were in a “private space” where only inside staff could access and exhibit them in a “public space”.